Saturday, September 26, 2009

Flower Power to the Max

Graduation Cake!, originally uploaded by cdgleason.
I just couldn't pass this one up.. For the love of flowers. Isn't this gorgeous!! cdGleason.. You are awesom! Be sure to check out her Flickr Photostream..

Flower Garden Cake

Flower Garden Cake, originally uploaded by cdgleason.
This Delicious Flower Garden cake is the wonder work of Cdgleason. Be sure to check out her Flickr Photostream.. She has wonderful tutorials and gobs of pictures to drool over... Love IT~*

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sakura Bloom is Tree Power

Sakura Bloom, originally uploaded by xengravity.

I know this is not technically a flower, more of a blossom, but this photo is so beautful I had to show off Xengravity's masterpiece. He is a traveler and an incredible photographer. Love It!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fabulous Flower Power

These Incredible Photos are from Brett Olivers Flickr Photostream and his photo Collection website. Brett is a self taught photographer who has many interests. His lives in Surrey England and has an incredible way of capturing all the beauty of town and country.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

National Flower of Estonia

This is from Today's Postcrossing Postcard Wall. It is a Centaurea cyanus, the National Flower of Estonia

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

White nymphea (water lily) at the Forsythe NWR, Oceanville, NJ

Another incredible photo by Barry from his Flickr Photostream. He took this shot of this White Nymphea (water lily) while visiting the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. Forsythe has over 43,000 acres which is actively protected and managed for migratory birds. Barry's flickr is a must see for any nature lover!

This Photo was featured at the Flickr Flowers Group pool , which is another incredible place to see tons of awesome flower photos.

Simply Beautiful

id-bc-8-29-09, originally uploaded by bsouthj.

This is from Barry's Flickr Photostream. It is so cool how Barry made such a "simple" flower Simply Beautiful. I love it when people have fun getting the best shot.. Awesome!